COVID-19 Update (3-23-2020) - MWD Logistics


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COVID-19 Update (3-23-2020)

Often it takes a tragedy, crisis, hurricane, or pandemic to realize how blessed you are. I am so blessed to work with an amazing group of people and rely on an incredible group of friends who come thru every single time.

I am going to brag a bit about team "Better Than Nothin".

On Friday morning we came up with an idea. Donate all our N95 masks to health care providers on the front line and make our own cloth masks to "prevent" (not protect) the spread of C19. That was 3 days before the Ohio Department of Health recommended cloth masks for use in "prevention" of the spread of C19.

In under 48 hours, we designed, obtained materials, made prototypes, and produced over 600 masks. These masks will be used by our valued team at MWD, their family members, and health care professionals who are working without any type of protection.

Thank you to our "Better Than Nothin" Team" who spent their weekend cutting and stitching.

"Gate Genie" - Amy Hiner and Chris Hiner

"Nevada Country Upholstery" - Julie Heinlen and Steve Heinlen

Vera and Tom Milikin

Carol and Pete Davis, Donna Parks, Linda Swanger,
Joni, Maddie, Macey, Molly Parks

We are winning everyday, together!!!!!!

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